Tritton 720+ Gaming Headset Review


It can be very overwhelming to choose from a wide range of headsets such as skull candy crusher that are available in the market. There are headsets that are made with cheap quality materials and there are also some that are made with premium materials.

You would like to have a headset that will allow you to play your games properly. Do not be swayed by just considering the appearance of your headset. You need to consider so many other things that are far more important than appearance. Of course, the right style can also follow the theme that you have always wanted.

Tritton Headset 720

This headset comes with the T Logo that will set it apart from other headsets that may look similar to it. The white gloss can make this appear lightweight and classy. The color can also make it ideal for different types of gaming themes. The modern and trendy appearance of this headset usually draws people to it but it can definitely offer so much more than the way that it looks.

Sound Quality

This makes use of 50mm Neodymium drivers which is the most commercial headset that is used whenever companies would like to impress the users. The sound quality of this headset can compete with the other more expensive headsets that are available.

If you need to make some adjustments, you can check out the equalizer modes. Switching between these modes will not be too hard to do. This comes with just a touch of bass so that it will not be too overwhelming on the ears especially if you are playing different games.

This makes use of Dolby 7.1 Surround Sound which really makes a difference with the sound quality of this headset. There may be some sounds that you never thought you would hear in games that will be clearer with the use of this headset.

Some say that they sometimes encounter some problems when they are using this for non−gaming activities. For example, some of them may hear a buzzing sound when they are trying to chat with other people on Skype. Other than this issue, people are generally happy with the sound quality of this.


One of the things that people may not like about headsets is how they are hard to set up with the rest of the computer or the console that will be used. This headset is compatible with the following platforms:

  • Xbox 360
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • PC

If in case you are not sure if it would match with the gaming platform that you use, you can contact their customer service representatives for more details. Upon receiving this headset, you will notice that it comes with a lot of other cables that will allow this to be connected to your chosen gaming platform.

This also comes with a decoder that will allow you to choose the preset that you want depending on what you want to use the headset for. You can use this headset for gaming, watching movies, and of course, listening to music. The different presets cannot be edited but a lot of people who have already tried them say that the presets work just fine.

Voice Control

One of the things that you may look for in a headset is your ability to use it when you want to be heard while playing online games or when you just want to speak with other people. This headset will allow your voice to be heard. At the same time, you will be able to hear the other players clearly too.

This comes with a unique SVM function which means that you can also hear your own voice in the headphones when you want to check how you sound like. Your voice will sound at its most natural unlike other headphones wherein your voice may sound completely different from usual.

In Conclusion

It is evident that Tritton Headset 720 is one of the nicest headsets that you can get design−wise. The sound is also great as long as you would use it for gaming. It may not work as perfectly when you are trying to use it to call other people but if gaming is your main reason for liking this headset, this can be a good choice.

The price of this headset is just right especially with all the features that you can get. There are other wired headsets that are available but this may be the best in its price range. You are recommended to try it out soon just to see how much you will like this headset.

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