Visits. – Record where you have been on the map [iPhone]


Visits. is an iPhone app that automatically records where you have been, mainly to see where you spend your time and how often you go to a place.

Visits. will automatically help you record in the background, and does not require a check-in operation.

So, Visits. doesn’t have any social features. It just silently helps you keep track of where you have been and how long you have been in this place.

The biggest use is that one day, you want to know where you have been at a certain moment of the day, then double it. Visits. You know.

Privacy issues, all data is stored in the Visits. app, not uploaded, and there is also iOS’s comprehensive privacy protection.

Power consumption is a problem, but at present, the overall power consumption of such applications that require background GPS is OK. Anyway, if you go out, you must always bring a charging treasure.

It’s a great way to find places you might have forgotten… Say you want to find that bakery you visited last month or the quaint Japanese restaurant you had an amazing meal at or the electronic shop where you saw your favourite gadget, but you suddenly can’t remember the name… Well, Visits remembers it!

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