Recommend five automated test tools for Android apps


Automated testing is now applied to everyday tests. This is not surprising, as automated testing saves time during testing and avoids testing errors and omissions including human factors.

There are many options for automated test tools. Some are open source and some are very expensive. Some automated tools came out a few years ago and some came out on the market. Each tool has certain characteristics and is unique.

Among the many optional automation tools, it is difficult to choose the right tool for the project. The problem is that almost no existing tools are fully adapted to the requirements of the project.

In order for an automated test to be effective and beneficial, it must have:

1. Research software products in tests and projects;

2. Identify which tests need to be automated

3. Develop requirements for automated testing and automated testing tools

4. Research at least a few available and appropriate automation tools

5. Select the most appropriate tool or tools based on the research.

6. Discuss the selected automation tools with other project parties, explain the reasons for the selection, and get their approval

7, promote automation

These methods and procedures are recognized by most quality assurance experts.

Many different types of computers have emerged recently, and their emergence has begun the rapid development of software products. The most surprising thing is the evolution of mobile devices, which have different characteristics, ways and interactions than ordinary PCs.

Therefore, the mobile applications that smartphones need are also different from notebooks.

The operating system for most personal computers is Windows. The popular mobile operating systems are Android, Apple iOS, BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone, Symbian and others.

Top 5 Android Test Tools

Let’s explore the automated testing tools supported by the more popular mobile operating systems.

1, Robotium Android test tool

Robotium is a frequently used automated test tool that supports Android.

Robotium is a free Android UI testing tool. It is suitable for testing automation for different Android and subversions. Software developers often describe it as Android Selenium. The Robotium test is written in java. In fact, Robotium is a unit test library.

But creating tests with Robotium takes a lot of time and effort, because you need to modify the source code for automated testing. The tool is also not suitable for interaction with system software, it cannot lock and unlock a smartphone or tablet. Robotium also does not have a recording playback function and does not provide screenshots.

2, MonkeyRunner Android application test

Monkeyrunner is a popular Android testing tool for automated functional testing.

This tool is a lower level than Robotium. This does not have to deal with the source code for automated testing. This test can be written in Python and can be created using the recording tool.

Monkeyrunner can be connected to a computer or simulate a real device to run tests. The tool has an interface to control the Android code of a smartphone, tablet or external emulator.

The downside of this test tool is that it must script each device. Another problem is that the test script needs to be adjusted for each user interface change of the test program.

3, Ronaorex Android test application tool

The advantage of Ranorex is that it has detailed screenshot reports. It connects smartphones and tablets via Wifi.

An automated test engineer can use this Android tool to write data-driven tests in detail without the XML data format. Ranorex Studio enables automated test engineers to easily create tests with the click of a mouse. It allows for the detailed declaration of additional program modules for testing more complex scenarios in later development cycles.

It is a commercial mobile application tool with a license price of €1990. However, the Ranorex search function is quite slow; it takes 30 seconds to complete such an operation. We must equip Ranorex with an apk file device, otherwise we won’t be able to automate testing with this tool because it only works on APK file devices.

4, Appium Android automation framework

This is a framework for automated testing for iOS and Android. It is an open source tool. It supports Android versions from 2.3 and beyond. Appium uses the WebDriver interface to run tests. It supports multiple programming languages ​​such as java, C#, Ruby and other languages ​​in the WebDriver library.

It controls Safari and Chrome on mobile devices. This test mobile website can use Appium and these browsers.

But some automated test engineers complain that it has no detailed reports. Its weaknesses also reduce XPath support on mobile devices.

5. Huawei MobileTest

Huawei MobileTest provides Android APK compatibility automated traversal testing, based on automated real machine testing, to help developers find defects and locate problems.

in conclusion:

Test automation is a complex task. It needs to be fully prepared and researched. A variety of novelty applications and automated testing tools that need to keep up with information technology. All of this knowledge is required to create the most effective tests.

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