Stream Recorder is a Chrome extension for downloading Http Live Streaming ( m3u8 + TS ) videos. It supports web videos that are not easy to download, such as live broadcasts and online lessons. Currently, there is only a Chrome version
Stream Recorder, Chrome’s plugin, you can download m3u8 online lessons, it is recommended.
Stream Recorder has two modes:
- Normal
- Capture
It is slightly different in use. The steps are the same, play the video first, then click the record button.
When Stream Recorder recognizes a generic HLS (HTTP Live Stream), Normal will start automatically and you can close the live page.
If the recognition fails, you need to start the Capture mode. At this time, the live page needs to be retained, which is equivalent to watching and recording. Recording live video is highly demanding on the network. If the network is interrupted, recording will be interrupted. The download format is MP4, the video that does not support Flash streaming, does not support DRM copyright protection video, does not support WebRTC, WebM video, but the latter two will increase the demand.
The maximum recording time is 13 hours and 15 minutes.
There is no problem with the clarity and fluency of the video. The only problem is that this test live broadcast is divided into several segments, so recording long videos may be troublesome, such as self-merging.
The official website is here , the store is here .
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