The Top Places to Study Abroad After High School


High school seniors often find themselves at a crossroads, asking themselves the perennial question, “Should I start university or see the world?” Both paths are educational in their own way, expanding one’s mind to new ideas, friends and perspectives. But the question itself is a false dichotomy. What a high school senior should really ask is, “Why not both?”

Studying abroad after high school is a fantastic double-whammy of educational potential. On the one hand, you get the institutional learning of studying in a world-class school; on the other, you get the “street-level” education of cultural and social immersion.

If you’re considering studying abroad after high school, explore these exciting destinations.

The Lit Lover’s Choice: Dublin

Dublin lives and breathes its literary history. You can hear its poetry belted out at the local public houses, its fiction engraved in city monuments, and rows of prose lining its several impressive libraries. The city has even commissioned statues of some of its literary heroes: James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, etc.

In short, the Irish capital is an Eden for literary lovers. Before you finish your senior year, ensure that you take an ENG4U (Grade 12 English – University) course online to acquaint yourself with the analytical tools and readings necessary to make the most of your time in Dublin.

For History Buffs and Culture Seekers: Munich

For many people, Southern Germany’s dark 20th Century history comes to mind first. But the Bavarian story stretches back centuries, encompassing shifting allegiances, battles and more than a few impressive castles.

Munich, the largest city in the south of Germany, is the focal point of this rich history. It also serves as a launch pad for several European destinations in Switzerland, Austria, Italy and France. If you’re a history buff (or just want to see Oktoberfest in all its strange glory), take a History 12 course before touching down in Munich.

The Business, Tech and Science Hub: Seoul

Not long ago, Europe held a monopoly on studying abroad. But that’s changing now as world-class universities around the world unpick the traditional Eurocentrism of the university system. If you’re into a fast-paced, tech-focused, business-savvy post-secondary experience, consider South Korea’s capital, Seoul.

Seoul is a fascinating megacity in its own right: frenetic but welcoming, modern yet historical. Its universities offer prime courses in everything from business and technology to sciences and pre-medicine. Brush up on your Grade 12 biology, sciences and physics before applying to a Seoul university.

The Close-to-Home Option for Adventurers: Vancouver

Assuming the reader of this article is North American (and apologies for the presumption), you might want to stick close to home. After all, it’s probably your first foray into living abroad away from the family. Therefore, a “Goldilocks” choice would be Vancouver.

Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and North Shore Mountain range, Vancouver is a picturesque jumping-off point for several outdoor adventures. Moreover, its few universities (UBC, Simon Fraser, etc.) are internationally renowned for several programs.

If you want a double dose of education after you graduate, consider these four spectacular cities. You can start your studies at a home-based university before applying abroad, or jump right into a new country’s educational system.

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