What Different Medical Fields Should Seek in an Exam Table?


For medical professionals, the right exam table is one that meets their specific diagnostic needs and convenience. That’s why quality power and manual exam tables come in a wide variety of options.

Physical therapy facilities often use treatment tables, which are the simplest type of exam table. These tables are padded and upholstered in healthcare-grade vinyl that’s easy to clean.

Physical Therapy

In a physical therapy clinic, treatment tables provide a safe platform for doctors and therapists to work with patients. These tables often feature adjustable height options so they can be set to the appropriate level for specific examinations and procedures. They can also be tilted up or down to accommodate various body positions, including reclining, sitting, and standing.

Inaccessible exam tables limit patient access and can negatively impact care. Physicians may miss critical information about a patient’s condition because they are unable to examine the patient or perform a procedure on them. They also might need to use a lift or another type of transfer equipment to get a patient on the table, which is costly and adds more time to the overall appointment (1).

When a healthcare professional is required to reach or bend to access a patient, they can experience discomfort or fatigue and possibly develop an occupational cumulative trauma disorder (OTCTD). A height-adjustable examination table eliminates this need for reaching or bending. In addition, it reduces the likelihood of injury to a patient or healthcare worker.

Exam and treatment tables are generally heavy pieces of medical furniture, but some designs include wheels and/or a pull-out step that makes them relocate more easily. Some also fold partially, making them more compact and convenient to store during times when a clinic isn’t busy. A portable build is also desirable for some clinics because it makes it easier to move around their facility and swap out exam tables if necessary.


Orthopedics is a medical field that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries related to the body’s musculoskeletal system. This includes the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. For patients seeking a specialist, it’s best to find a board-certified orthopedist who has graduated from a recognized medical school and completed all necessary science coursework. It’s also a good idea to check if they’ve undergone an accredited fellowship, a period of additional training in their sub-specialty.

Depending on the needs of your practice, there are multiple types of medical exam tables that can help you accommodate patient conditions and ailments. Choosing the right table for your clinic requires you to consider what type of care your facility provides and specific features that will improve comfort and convenience.

For example, if your practice caters to older patients or bariatric patients, you should consider an ADA-compliant exam table. These tables offer low seat height and a flat transfer service, making them easier for disabled patients to use. In addition, many of these models also feature a sturdier frame and better movement controls, which will provide greater stability for heavier patients.

For other patients, a manual exam table is an excellent choice. These tables typically have a simple treatment bench and are upholstered with healthcare-grade vinyl for easy cleaning. Most of them have storage drawers to accommodate the supplies you’ll need during your appointments and a headrest and adjustable footrest. They’re also ideal for smaller exam rooms since they don’t come with motorized components. They also tend to be less expensive than other types of medical exam tables. Some even include a heavy-duty step to assist patients in moving onto the exam table.


The body’s hormones are an essential part of our health and well-being. When they get out of whack, it can seriously impact your life and quality of life. This is where endocrinologists come in to help. They are medical professionals who specialize in hormone-related conditions, and they can diagnose endocrine diseases, develop treatment and management plans, and prescribe medication.

While some people assume that endocrinologists are only able to treat things like diabetes and obesity, their scope is much broader. They can also help with issues related to the adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing adrenaline and have a hand in things like blood pressure, metabolism, and stress response. They can also help with conditions that involve the pituitary gland, which plays a role in everything from your metabolism to your sexual development and function.

If you’re interested in becoming an endocrinologist, you will first need to earn a bachelor’s degree. Then, you’ll attend medical school for four years. After that, you’ll spend up to three years in a residency program where you’ll gain experience treating a variety of conditions and patients. Once you’ve finished all of this, you’ll need to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), which is a standardized test that assesses your knowledge, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities.

You’ll then need to complete a two- or three-year fellowship in endocrinology before you can become board-certified as an endocrinologist. If you’re still not sure if this is the right path for you, be sure to shadow an endocrinologist and talk to other doctors in the field to see what it’s really all about. You can even schedule a free consultation with an expert to find out more about what it takes to become an endocrinologist.


Cardiology is a medical field that deals with heart and circulatory diseases. Many physicians in this area may also specialize in treating conditions like hypertension and arrhythmias. The first step in a visit to a cardiologist is often taking measurements known as “vitals.” These include the patient’s height, weight, blood pressure, breathing rate, and resting heart rate. After gathering these important statistics, a physician will begin to perform the cardiac examination, starting with inspection and palpation.

A cardiologist will listen to the patient’s carotid arteries for bruits, which are sounds created by turbulent flow within the blood vessels. These can indicate problems with aortic stenosis, which is when a patient has a narrowing of the artery walls. The cardiologist will also listen for murmurs, which can be heard as a soft shushing sound. During this step of the exam, the cardiologist will also check the patient’s body for other signs of cardiovascular disease, such as the color of the skin (pale, flushed, or cyanotic), facial features, body build, and any obvious pulsations.

Depending on the needs of a facility, a medical exam table may feature specific design elements to improve patient care and support the healthcare team. For example, a powered box or cabinet medical exam table is designed to be ADA-compliant with an adjustable height range to accommodate those with mobility disabilities and assistive mobility devices. These tables are commonly padded and upholstered in easy-to-clean, antimicrobial vinyl.

Other types of medical exam tables are also available to accommodate a variety of needs. For instance, a pediatric exam table is smaller than a typical table and offers fun graphics to put children at ease during their appointments. Likewise, a bariatric medical exam table is engineered to safely accommodate obese patients with a maximum capacity of 800 pounds or more.

Internal Medicine

Internal medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with patients with a wide variety of conditions. Common complaints include abdominal pain, chest pain, dyspnea, and fever. Diagnosis often starts with taking a patient’s complete history and performing a thorough physical examination. After a focused history and physical, doctors can then use imaging tests, laboratory studies, and medications to narrow the diagnosis and treat the condition.

Medical exam tables vary by facility, and while some have captivating features that catch the eye, healthcare professionals must think about the type of patients they see most frequently along with the functionality of the table to ensure they make an informed decision. A good place to start is by thinking about the specific needs of the medical field in question, such as whether they need a step for assisting patients onto the table or storage space to keep essential supplies like hospital gowns nearby.

A standard box medical exam table, found in most clinics, has a seat higher than a treatment table and typically comes with a powered or pneumatic backrest that moves up and down, allowing patients to be easily repositioned. This type of healthcare table is also commonly equipped with a heavy-duty step and usually offers ample storage space for keeping essentials nearby.

For smaller exam rooms, consider a compact medical exam table designed as an all-in-one consultation and examination support system, converting the patient from a seated position to a supine position all within one table. These types of specialty tables often offer a pass-through design for storage spaces, eliminating the need to choose between left or right-hand access.

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