Collection! 10 must-have skills to improve conversions with Google Ads in 2019


Novice veterans should look at it.

The core of using Google ads to boost sales is testing and optimization. Whether you are a novice seller or an experienced advertiser, you should take some of the Google marketing techniques you need to try in your own optimization strategy. But what should be done to turn Google advertising into a money-making machine? Take a look at these 10 simple and fast Google ad usage tips.

1. Optimize negative keywords

Negative keywords are one of the most powerful elements of Google’s advertising campaigns. Although often overlooked by novice advertisers, it does ensure that you exclude searchers who are not related to the product and the niche market. There are three benefits to using negative keywords:

  • Keep your ROI (return on investment) because they prevent you from burning money on keywords that don’t get a good return.
  • Make sure that searchers only see ads related to the content they are searching for.
  • Increase the likelihood of more targeted traffic, thereby increasing the potential for conversion.

Based on the above three points, negative keywords can be said to be the first optimization step you should take to improve the performance of your campaign or ad group. In order to drive sales through Google ads, you need to review whether negative keywords have been added to under-targeted campaigns or ad groups, including those with low clickthrough rates (CTR), low or no high-cost ads. .

How to find negative keywords?

If you want to find possible negative keywords for your advertising campaign, you can refer to the following three methods:

  • As shown below, you can use Google’s auto-fill feature to find out if keywords and products are relevant.

Use Google to search for keywords you are using or want to test to see who is using these keywords to advertise and what natural search results have appeared. As shown below, you might think that “glasses” is a good search term for your home products, but it is also more likely to bring you a lot of people looking for glasses, so it’s for you. The click rate has a negative impact.

Use keyword research tools such as SEMrush or Kparser.

2, check and update the keyword match type

Keyword matching can tell Google about the relevance of a search term to your ad, and thus properly display your ad. Therefore, your Google ads should include a variety of campaigns that use different match types to suit the goals or strategies of each campaign.

Over time, the keyword matching strategy will change as you improve and segment the performing advertising campaigns. For example, when launching a new campaign, you might want to start with a broad match. This will help you reach more audiences when collecting valuable ad data to complete initial optimization. You can then switch to a combined or exact match type to maintain a high degree of relevance to your campaigns, increasing your conversion opportunities. This means that your campaigns will be narrower and more subdivided, although its impressions will decrease, but the targeting will increase, so it will give you a higher conversion rate.

Think of it as starting a larger net at the beginning and then improving your advertising campaign by narrowing it down to a more subdivided search match. Switching to broad match will give you more control over all types of traffic, helping you boost your sales with Google ads.

In short, your ultimate goal should be to have your campaigns consist of ad groups with fewer keywords and use different match types to reach a narrower, broader audience. You can use the data provided by the latter for more specific keywords, searchers, and more precise matches.

3. Expand your budget with long tail keywords

Another way to ensure that your campaigns receive more targeted traffic conversions is to test and add long tail keywords. Long tail keywords mean less competition and higher conversion opportunities, even if they are considered “unwelcome”, they can increase sales while reducing CPC costs. In the content analysis platform Ahrefs’s study of 1.9 billion keywords, they found that 29% of the keywords of 10,000 searchers per month contained three or more words.

(keyword length vs monthly search volume)

You can find long tail keywords through Google’s auto-complete feature, Ahrefs or other keyword research tools. However, you also need to look at the current natural traffic data to find long tail keywords that you might not have considered when accessing your product.

You can also use another method, which is to use a keyword research website like Answer the Public to find the questions people are asking. Understanding the “problem” content is a sensible way to make long tail keywords a advantage.

4. Review and delete duplicate keywords

When you add a list of Google campaigns while optimizing and adding keywords, even experienced advertisers often forget to remove duplicate keywords.

Why is it important to keep a focus on keywords and remove duplicate keywords? Because they affect your Quality Score, you also consume a budget that you don’t have to spend. If you bid on the same keyword more than once and submit it to the “auction” process each time, you are actually competing with yourself and adding unnecessary CPC costs.

Of course, there are times when you need to bid for duplicate keywords, in the following cases:

  • The same keywords that will be used for different ad placements, search and display ads.
  • Use different match types for repeated keywords.
  • Segmented ads serving different ad slots, at which point you can bid for the same keyword in each campaign that serves different locations.

So how do you find and remove duplicate keywords? Below is a quick guide to using Google.

Find keywords

(1) Register your Google advertising account at;

(2) Click on all campaigns in the left navigation bar;

(3) Click on the Keywords tab in your account to view all keywords.

  • Find duplicate keywords

(1) Click Keyword to sort keywords in alphabetical order;

(2) Click on the March type to sort the keywords according to the matching type;

(3) If you want to search for more specific keywords, enter your keywords in the blank text box above the keyword performance graph, then click Search, your keywords will be displayed in the list below.

5. Review the relevance of landing pages

Simply put, ensuring the relevance of the landing page will lead to better Quality Scores, which will ensure you pay a lower cost, but it has a bigger and more complex impact. If your budget gets a good CPC-related metric, but your conversion rate is stagnant, you’ll need to check your URLs to make sure they’re relevant to your ads, search, and target audience.

Here are the specific steps to review the relevance of your landing page:

step 1

As shown in the image below, check the relevance of keywords or landing pages in Google Ad Activity metrics. Your Quality Score and landing page experience are a worthwhile indicator.

Step 2

Make sure you have a user-friendly and well-architected URL page. Don’t use too many links to bomb your potential shoppers.

Step 3

To find the “winning formula” that belongs to you, you need to test various CTA (call to action) buttons and titles. This is especially important when the searcher goes to a product category, promotion, or content page.

Step 4

Test the speed of your site to make sure your landing page doesn’t load too slowly.

6, using RLSA (search advertising remarketing) to invigorate advertising

What should be done for advertising campaigns with small thunder and heavy rain? Suspending these ads may miss some possible sales. Instead, you can use RLSA to combine and test these ad groups. Some old ads may be outdated or unable to attract new traffic, but that doesn’t mean they won’t win in remarketing campaigns. As we all know, RLSA is extremely important to advertisers’ sales channels. It will attract traffic that is already familiar with your brand back to your website, thus increasing the chances of conversion.

7. Bidding for your brand name and competitor’s brand name

If you don’t bid for your brand name, your competitors will do it. In addition, this approach can help you get to the top of the SERP (Search Results Page) page, knowing that your store doesn’t usually appear organically on the first page of brand name search results.

At the same time, it may be profitable to start a bid against a competitor’s brand name, as this will help you use the products you offer to attract their customers. However, this is also a practice that needs to be balanced. You need to make sure your ads don’t mimic competitors and offer a choice they didn’t think of. However, be aware that you cannot use any brand name in the ad text or landing page URL, and you also need to adopt certain strategies. Here are some tips you need to know at the beginning:

Selectively choose competitors. You should target competitors whose target audience is very close, not the big brands that people know and trust.

Develop a corresponding budget strategy. Brand keywords, especially those that are competitive, will result in higher CPA (cost per operation). If you are a new brand with a new budget, maybe you can stick to the bid until you build your business.

8, using the Location Bid Adjustments (positioning bid adjustment) function

The adjustment of Location Bid and geographic goals is not just for traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Adjusting your advertising campaigns based on geographic location can have a big impact on your advertising performance. For example, geographic location helps you sell seasonal products or products that are suitable for different climates. By looking at Google ad metrics, you can see which locations are driving better ad performance. You can then create more campaigns for searchers who live in these locations, or pause locations where conversions aren’t implemented. By getting geolocation and user location reports, you can quickly analyze this information.

Adding Location Bid Adjustments to your campaign will ensure that you can automatically adjust the frequency of your ads based on geographic regions, cities, and countries. The location extension feature will allow you to set different bids for potential shoppers in key locations.

9. Use Ad Extensions while maintaining relevance

Enabling ad extensions in your account, campaign, or ad group can bring you more clicks. With sitelink, callout and review extensions, and structured snippets, you can improve the overall user experience of your ads while highlighting promotions, products, or valuable brand information. To increase sales. In order to take advantage of this, you need to make sure that:

  • Create extensions at the account level.
  • Use extensions as much as possible – as long as they are relevant.
  • Synchronize snippet extensions and ad elements.
  • Use the ad rotations feature to select a combination of well-behaved extensions.

10. Use various indicators for SEO optimization

The focus of the last optimization tip is your indicator. The effectiveness of your Google ads can help you point the way to the right SEO optimization. The success of all kinds of advertising campaigns, their keywords and their location will bring you a lot of data about drainage. And as we know, building a strong strategy that combines SEO and PPC advertising is the foundation of an online store’s success.

If you don’t have a good optimization strategy as a support, you are probably just playing a money-burning game. If you want to get out of the stagnation of sales, then use these 10 tips from now on!


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